Monday, October 15, 2007

In Rainbows

Reckoner (Radiohead from In Rainbows)

Can you take it with you
Disavow the pleasure

You were not to blame for
Bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak his name
Dedicated to all you
All your needs?

Because we separate
it ripples our reflections
Because we separate
it ripples our reflections


Dedicated to all you
All your needs?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

"packt like sardines in a crushed tin box"

Often I arrive at the bus stop with many other people--a good indicator that this particular bus ride will be packed. The bus is inbound at my stop, and it happens to be the second stop. You'd expect the bus to be nearly empty. This is rarely the case for the morning commute, since this stop is convenient to two apartment complexes.

The other morning I apparently decided to take the bus to school along with most of my neighbors, so we took most of the seats on the bus. Closer to campus there is a similar stop with several apartment complexes near one bus stop. By this point on the route, all of the seats were taken, and a few riders were standing. We arrive at this stop, the bus driver asks the "standers" to make room for the next wave of "standers." If you are unfamiliar with public buses, the engine is in the back. That means that the floor in the back is higher than in the front, since the engine is back there, too. For whatever reason, people do not like to stand in the aisle at the back of the bus. As a result people crowd around the back door (which is just before the steps up to the back section of the bus). It's really amusing, because the ride is really no more enjoyable when you are standing, so standing in the back is no different than standing in the front. Nevertheless, a few idiots (keep in mind that most of these idiots are heading to class at an Ivy League school) refuse to move to the back of the bus to accommodate the bus's newest passengers which makes the ride miserable to everyone standing and humorous to us "sitters."