Where to begin? For starters, if you've kept up (which I doubt you have), you are now mildly familiar with Yogi Laser and the Orange Mime, two of NYC's finest. Apparently, YouTube has videos of both cretins in action. Rather than embed the videos, I'll just provide direct links:
Yogi Laser
Orange Mime
I didn't have the opportunity to see Yogi Laser in action, but this 30-second video captures the main event. I'm happy I didn't waste my time. As for the Orange Mime, I was never close enough to hear the robot sounds that you hear in the video. That's even dumber!!! So, if you need a laugh, check out the clips. It's pretty amazing that these people sustain themselves by peddling money on NYC streets.
Finding these two videos on YouTube enticed me to look for more NYC shenanigans. There appear to be a few other regulars showcased on YouTube (if you search for them). There's a midget Michael Jackson. He sucks. I won't even include the link--search for him yourself.
In addition, I found a magician with a cart of tricks on a subway car (click here). That was kind of neat, but his tricks were canned, especially the coloring book one. Notice where he places his hand when he flips through the book. That's no David Blane!
Now for the funny stuff. Have you read the blog WOW! ithaca? or List-en Up? These are the writings of twin sisters--twin sisters who proofread documents on the side. Why mention this? Well, you might notice a trend in both blogs: the occasional "THe" or "THat's" or "LUckily" decorate their rants and raves. You may say, "Oh, well they are twins! What's the big deal?" It's not a twin thing, the older sister does it too in emails. It's pretty funny, but worrysome, as well, and I know why it happens, at least for our WOW! ithaca? author. She never looks that the monitor while she types. She watches her fingers and occasionally checks for errors, but I think this proofreading is limited to the last couple of words. So, obvious typos at the beginning of the sentence are often overlooked. Quite hilarious! Now, I've probably let quite a few typos slip by in this note, but my bigger problem is exluding words. The best part, it's usually the crucial words, like "not." I suppose we all have our idiosyncrasies that we never realize ourselves. The world just watches and laughs, unless there is money involved.
(By the way, the picture shown above is my first encounter with Times Square a few weeks ago. I'm ready to return to NYC.)
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