Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Would you be more likely to pee on a fly or the wall?

Amsterdam urinals have flies etched into the porcelain to captivate the fluid-filled-man and encourage proper pointing of his urinary hose. "Fly-in-urinal research found that etched urinals reduce spillage by 80%."

I must wonder what would happen if those bugs appeared in US urinals. Would the fliers hanging above the urinals at eye-level still receive the same visibility? The smaller endowed are probably already looking down and would appreciate a target. The remaining "readers" may prefer peeing on a fly to reading about next weeks crap band. Of course, when you're drunk, where you relieve yourself is less important, and, depending on your state of inebriation, you may be satisfied with leaving the stall without a wet stain on both your kicks and jeans.

Either way, check out the pictures of these Dutch urinals here.

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